Innovation Campus "Future Mobility"

At the Innovation Campus “Future Mobility“ KIT and the University of Stuttgart Develop Ideas and Business Models for Future Sustainable Mobility

Within the Innovation Campus “Future Mobility” (ICM), Stuttgart University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) conduct joint research into automotive engineering, product development, production technology, chemistry, materials, electrical engineering and machine tools to develop new, ground-breaking technologies for mobility and manufacture. The  ICM  will  identify  industrial  fields  that will  be important in future, create cooperation places as well as innovation and founding  culture,  promote  young  talents,  and  integrate  research  in Baden-Württemberg.

There are two strategic fields: “Advanced Manufacturing” with the focus on the vision of digital, decentralized production based on completely flexible production technology on the one hand. On the other hand, “Emission free Mobility” with the focus on zero-emission drive units and components for increasing the power density or intelligence.

The ICM is fundes by Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Science, Research, and the Arts since July 2019. In addition, young research groups are set up and professorships for “Laser Systems Technology” and “Digitalization of the Development of Materials and Processes for Additive Manufacture” will be funded at the University of Stuttgart and KIT, respectively.

Further Information about the InnovationCampus “Future Mobility” can be accessed on the project website