Carl Benz Lecture 2024

In the 2024 Carl Benz Memorial Lecture at the KIT Mobility Systems Center, we were pleased to welcome high-ranked speakers from politics, industry and science, making it a lecture to remember. Moderated by Prof. Dr. Albert Albers, scientific spokesperson of the KIT Moblity Systens Center, our speakers presented their unique perspectives on the following topics:
- Dr. Ulf Zillig, Vice President Konzernforschung, Nachhaltigkeit und RD-Funktionen Mercedes-Benz AG talked about Zukunft der Mobilität: vernetzt, nachhaltig und gesellschaftlich integriert
- Torben Stieglitz, Leiter der Karlsruher Wirtschaftsförderung gave his thoughts on Mobilität in Netzwerken gedacht – Erfolgsfaktoren für die Transformation aus Sicht einer Wirtschaftsförderung
- Prof. Marcus Popplow, Leiter des Department für Geschichte, Institut für Technikzukünfte, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie closed the session with his very interesting take on Historisches zur nachhaltigen Mobilität der Zukunft
After each speaker refering to his or her specific topic, the evening was concluded by a get-together in the foyer of the Tulla lecture hall.
Prior to the Carl Benz Memorial Lecture, the Ernst-Schoemperlen-Preis 2024 for outstanding scientific work in the area of mobility was awarded to three researchers of KIT.
Thank you to each and everyone involved in realizing the Carl Benz Memorial Lecture, but also thank you to everyone attending and making the Carl Benz Memorial Lecture as successful as it was. We are already looking forward to the Carl Benz Memorial Lecture 2025.